
language graph translated fuzzy untrans. last updated
Chinese (zh_CN)90.2 %1.0 %8.8 %
Chinese (zh_TW)90.2 %1.0 %8.8 %2018-03-17
French (fr)83.3 %7.8 %8.8 %2018-09-19
German (de)100.0 %0.0 %0.0 %2019-01-13
Hungarian (hu)89.2 %2.0 %8.8 %2018-09-27
Italian (it)90.2 %1.0 %8.8 %2017-11-18
Polish (pl)89.2 %1.0 %9.8 %2017-04-30
Portuguese (pt)38.2 %14.7 %47.1 %2013-07-07
Portuguese (pt_BR)32.4 %14.7 %52.9 %2013-08-09
Russian (ru)100.0 %0.0 %0.0 %2019-01-13
Sinhalese (si)100.0 %0.0 %0.0 %2019-01-16
Spanish (es)38.2 %14.7 %47.1 %2013-11-10
Turkish (tr)89.2 %2.0 %8.8 %2018-04-08

Translations were made by many people, you can find their list in AUTHORS file in git repository. Thanks everybody!

Missing translations

Would you like to translate MP4Tools into your mother language? Don\'t hesitate to download an empty catalog from here (mp4tools.pot) and Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. your translation. I will be glad to include it in the next MP4Tools release.